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     In our course OTL 502 our assignment was to prepare a lesson plan that we would be teaching in week 6 of our course, with an strong focus on implementing the Six Essential C’s, ( 1. curiosity, 2.connection, 3.coherence, 4. concentration, 5. coaching, and 6.context) to ensure students develop a deeper knowledge and connection to the material. The Six Essential C’s will be identified throughout the lesson plan with a bold C accompanied with the asterisk symbol (*);  in order to identify specifically which essential C I am referring too in the lesson, each C will also be labeled as follows: 1C* Curiosity, 2C*Connection, 3C*Coherence, 4C*Concentration, 5C*Coaching, and 6C* Context. My lesson plan was designed for 9th grade History, and focuses on a unit for Deciphering the Declaration of Independence.

Lesson Plan Example

Daily Lesson Plan



Subject: 9th Grade History                                                                                                                 Unit Title: Deciphering the Declaration of Independence 


CCSS/ Assessment Limits/Standards:  



Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among the claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.





  1. Daily do-now question

  2. Motivation –

  3. Discussion and introduction – Text Code & Annotation

  4. Small Group Assignment- 

  5. Independent Practice--summary

  6. Wrap up activity

  7. Exit ticket


Lesson Objective: 1C*, 2C*, 3C*, 4C*, 6C*

Students will:

  • Develop a working definition of what it means for everyone to be equal

  • Interpret the phrase "All Men Are Created Equal" in the context of the Declaration of Independence

  • Compare their definition of equality to the definition Jefferson was using in the Declaration of Independence

  • Develop a rationale for Jefferson's usage of the phrase based on his life and historical context.




(5 min) Get started/Drill/Do Now: 4C* 5C* 6C*


  • Students will turn in homework assignments

  • Begin writing responses to journal prompt



(5 min) Engage/Motivation: 1C* 2C* 3C*5C* 6C*


  • Begin with a brainstorming activity on the meaning of equality.  Students will be asked to write their interpretations of equality and prepare for discussion

  • Students will write their interpretations in their journals


(10 min) Whole Group Instruction: 1C* 2C* 3C* 4C* 5C* 6C*


  • Introduce the phrase "all men are created equal" from the Declaration of Independence.

  •  Discuss with students their interpretation of equality

  • Interpret as a class what Jefferson meant by this phrase in the document

  • Discuss Who was not represented by this statement

  • Discuss What was Jefferson's intended purpose for the phrase

  • Students will actively listen to the Teachers lecture, and participate in class discussions and debates


(5 min) Independent Practice: 2C* 3C* 4C* 6C*

  • Students will critically analyze and annotate primary source documents for evidence to support their claims and interpretations

Students will highlight the text and take notes to support their claims and evidence


(25 min) Group Practice/Small Group Instruction: 1C* 2C* 3C* 4C* 6C*

  • Students will be broken up into small groups and asked to Think/Pair/Share their interpretations, and discuss their textual evidence they found to support their claims

  • Students will discuss and debate amongst their groups to collaborate on an interpretation of whether there were there ethical considerations and if Jefferson could justify such a statement for inclusion in the Declaration of Independence

  • The groups will present their interpretation to the class



Students will debate and discuss their interpretations and prepare a presentation for the class


Evaluate Understanding/Assessment: 2C* 3C* 5C* 6C*

  • Each student will be evaluated based upon the completeness and accuracy of data gathered and presented.


(5 min) Closing Activities/Summary: 1C* 2C* 6C*

  • Discuss amongst the class if their interpretation of equality changed; if so, what is their new interpretation?


Students will complete an Exit Ticket—individual summary



Resources/Instructional Materials Needed:

  • Primary and Secondary Source Documents


  • Class Journals


  • Poster Paper


  • Pens, Pencils, Markers/Highlighters





Whole Group

1C* 2C* 3C* 4C* 5C* 6C*

-Anticipatory guides/sets                                    


-Close Reading                                                 

 -Questioning the Author


Guided Practice/Small group

1C* 2C* 3C* 4C* 6C*

-Anticipatory guides/sets                                      

-Close Reading                                                    



-Text annotation


Independent Practice

2C* 3C* 4C* 6C*

-Anticipatory guides/sets                                     

-Close Reading                                                    



-Text annotation


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